October 14, 2018


From Left to Right: Peaches, blacks, reds, and an assortment of blues.

Grey’s browns, and yellows.

The estate sale had less of interest to me, but a box of ties caught G’s eye.

One of two shelves of Cadell books.

He dropped me home after lunch, and before I did anything else, I sorted ties.  They were not the woman’s husband’s, but were purchased as a basis for crafts.  We are talking good taste and fine silks here. 

Then before I forgot it, and I am the lady that forgets everything, I photographed the Cadell book shelves.  I came upstairs, downloaded her book list, and checked off those I owned.  I so hope to buy the ones I don’t own.

The estate sale will run one more week as there is one more storage space to unload.
  • Himself:  Busy all day including sorting those ties.
  • Myself:  Business meeting tonight.  They drone on and I am not fond of drones.
  • Reading:  Cadell.
  • Gratitude’s:  Cadell, G, yesterday’s rain, eggy bread, ties, and other good things.


  1. Now we get to cherry-pick through the ties.

  2. I could spend hours browsing through those shelves!

  3. I don't know if you remember, but I have a friend who made a quilt out of all the ties Art used for work.

  4. Oh, I like that blue tie in the pile you’re discarding. I liked most of my husband’s ties and hated to part with them though they weren’t silk.

  5. Can't remember where but I recently saw a chair seat made from ties. They have a lot of uses besides making men uncomfortable.



Celebration of Life