September 10, 2020


I’ve been having fun relearning how to use Photoshop.  Poor George.  “Where do I find….?” Is the often asked question these days.  He’s been very patient with me.  If I could only retain what he tells me, all would be fine.

 I chose two pictures to play with.  This first one is of my grandma Mary Belle Harrington Barnum.  It was taken in San Diego on her first visit.  It’s a good studio photograph, but I wondered what the image would look like if cropped tighter.  I did that, removed all the little dust specks that I could see and increased the contrast.

The second photograph was taken just to play with.  For some reason, I am often drawn to the shapes of the Point Loma lighthouse in its landscape.         

I did much as I did with grandma Mary.  This time I straightened it first then cropped it.  I used the clone tool to remove many of the branches from the tree to the left.  I also increased the contrast.  I’ll probably go back and take out more branches before I am done.


  • <A HREF=>Himself:  Putting together a fishing tackle rig he can pull out onto the pier.  Playing games.
  • Myself:  Birthday tomorrow.
  • Reading:  Still Dick Francis.  I have many of them in old, yellowing paperbacks.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I survived my first doctor’s phone appointment with lowered BP.


  1. I am so glad you are doing this. I am going to learn so much! Your old photo is a good challenge.

    1. I'm having a lot of fun with this too. I noticed next to grandma Mary's chest is a big dust blob. LOL

  2. I like your photoshop edit work. The first photo looks great when you cropped it. Photoshop is nice to play around with, I used to have it but now I use the free program It's similar but photoshop has many more options.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I like your rendition of Mary Belle. Brighter and tighter did the trick.

  4. Keep using it every day. Practice, practice practice.

  5. Hi Mage! It’s good to be back for a while. I’m about done with my photobook project and it’s now in the hands of the family editors.
    You have done an awesome job with Photoshop. I LOVE Photoshop. I’ve used it a lot with my genealogy book. Lots of cloning and sharpening. That photo of your grandmother is priceless. I love the antique clothes.

  6. What a great photo of your grandmother? There is a family resemblance! What was she like?

    1. She died in the late 20's, so I never knew her. i wish I had.

  7. Really nice job on the Photoshop of your Grandmother. I see the resemblance also.

  8. I can vouch tat it is a good hobby.



Celebration of Life