September 4, 2020


Yesterday and today I made all my yearly checkup appointments.   Sise for the blocked arteries, the heart doc, teeth to get the new partial correctly fitted, and the derm doc.  I can do all but the derm man via phone.  Two wanted me to do “facetime.”  I told them I had ZOOM, and they said they had a land line.  At the end I felt like a very responsible old lady.

Covid weight has won.  I announced that we were going on a diet, but we were starting out at “Casarina.”  He had squid ravioli.  They had taken my beet salad off the menu, but a very glorious Caprese salad made me very happy.  Three kinds of very ripe tomatoes with fresh Mozzarella made for a delightful start to the evening. 

For desert we both were suckered in by the Crème Brule topped cheesecake. 

Since then we have been dieting.  Yes, I said that.  James Beard’s Spicy Chicken and his sliced tomato salad.  My mouth is watering just typing those words.  Joy truly can be found in old cook books.


  • <A HREF=>Himself:  Much better today.
  • Myself:  Heading for the showers then lunch.
  • Reading:  Starting a new Dick Francis.
  • Photo:  The Crème Brule topped cheese cake.
  • Gratitude’s:  To feel as if I accomplished a few things. 


  1. I’m not a lover of cheesecake but that one tempts even me.

    Doctors here are going back to in person clinical visits again. Rats! It is good you didn’t have to go out for your appointments.

  2. I sat and stared at that cheesecake, and now I'll be looking for it.

    1. It's a really good but thick cheesecake topped by a narrow, perhaps 1/2 inch, creme brule.

  3. Ah, Dieting. I really must do that.

  4. We are back to in person doc visits now. I prefer that. So glad George is feeling better.
    That spicy chicken salad sounds really good.

  5. Oh gosh! You have my mouth watering.



Celebration of Life