January 22, 2021



My oncologist said that the cancer is acting like stage four.  Three things he can try to accomplish are to shrink the cancer, slow or halt the growth, and give me a longer and good quality of life.  He proposed three treatment plans after I take the PET scan Tuesday.  Then we will know if the cancer has spread to other parts of my body.

George was with me as I talked to the Oncologist.  He called the kids while suggesting I talk with them.  This note will let my Cuz know that I am well…no matter what, and I will email my friend in AA.  The thing that brings tears to my eyes is the thought that I will soon be seeing Jo, Duck, Poolie, and all the other friends I have lost these last years.  More tears when I think of George.  Most of the time I can smile.


  • <A HREF=http://geeeee-zer.blogspot.com/>Himself:</A>  Holding my hand.  Being right there.
  • Myself:  Reassessing.
  • Reading: Longmire.  Only three books left to read.
  • Watching:  Ken Kramer, Beat Bobby Flay, North Star Law, and one more.
  • Photographer: G, 2007, taking the train to Seattle.
  • Gratitude’s:  Being able to write.



  1. I am so sorry to read this Mage. Crying with you. Hugs.

  2. Mage, Mage, Mage. I am fixed on a decent PET scan and a longer and good quality of life with this oncologist. Or, whatever you decide. More love to you.

  3. We are going to get through this just fine.

  4. The oncologist sounds like a good one. Hugs to you and that great spirit of yours. You’ll be on my mind on Tuesday.

  5. I so hope all the best outcome for you. my own problems shrink into minor worries.

  6. Hoping for all the good things your oncologist is planning for you and the treatments do shrink the cancer, slow or halt the growth, and give you a longer and good quality of life. Sending prayers and hugs for a positive Tuesday.

  7. Prayers coming your way for the best possible outcome.

  8. Oh Maaage... Now I'm feeling tears and you know I don't cry. I'm wishing comfort for you and as much time as you can manage to be with your dearest George.



Celebration of Life