April 12, 2021



I write this all down for my records.  You don't have to read it.


Sleep has been elusive since I moved upstairs.  I changed this, or that, or even this too, but I still got two hours sleep at a time.  Off to the bathroom I would go then back to be for another two hours of sleep.  And I would cough.  Boy would I cough.  It’s been months and months of this.

Thinking that the cough was the problem, the doctor kindly gave me some sort of anti-cough med.  It didn’t seem to do anything.  Cough drops didn’t work.  Nor did cough syrup.  Combined with the other meds, the syrup made me really ill. 

Arkansas Patti, over at THE NEW SIXTY, has the perfect solution to thinking oneself awake.  I’ve done that too, a time or two.  Not this time tho. 

 “What do I do when I have a really bad cold?” I asked myself.   I sit up.  So I tried it, and I slept for four hours, had a quick trip to the ladies room, and slept another four hours.  Imagine….eight hours sleep.  I was warm and comfortable, and if I got cold there was a quilt to pull up.  All week long, I’ve been sleeping wonderfully well.

As a bonus, when I sleep sitting up, I don’t snore.



  1. I never thought to suggest that; it's been years since I couldn't sleep for a really strange reason I won't go into here. But when I couldn't sleep, I would take my comforter and retire to my recliner and sleep there all night.

  2. I am known to spend time in my recliner. I was in it last night for about four hours before heading back to bed for maybe two more.

  3. You have been sleeping so much better

  4. Thanks for the shout out. Oh how coughing can ruin a night. I am so happy you found a solution by sitting up. Keep up that good work and enjoy the blessed rest. I often have thought a sleeper recliner might be a great investment.

  5. Glad you found the solution, Mage.

  6. yes, sleeping sitting up. sometimes when my own snoring wakes me up over and over due to whatever congestion is making me snore I just add a couple of pillows so not actually sitting up but high enough to stop the snoring and let me sleep. glad you found a solution.

  7. Glad the new solution is working good for you.

  8. I have had three mystery coughs .The first one they told me to take honey. A few teaspoons Then the next mystery cough they said was caused by acid take two tums in the morning and two at night.The next mystery cough they gave me a nasal spray the sake clean my nose with a saline rinse after dinner and then take one spray of nasal spray. Hope something helps!

  9. Glad you got 8 hours sleep. I'm working on trying to get a decent sleep schedule myself, but the fact I'm writing this to you right now just goes to show I've screwed up tonight/this morning.

  10. It never occurred to me to sleep on a recliner. I have to be on my side. Art on the other hand can sleep in any position. The recliner works perfectly for him.

  11. What a thrilling post. It is extremely chock-full of useful information. Thanks for such a great info. https://www.abi-med.com/product/4



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