February 22, 2022


Just as the family gathered this last Christmas Eve, I started coughing.  Not at all a boring cough.  The family went on alert, they gathered me up, put me in Margot’s little SUV, and hauled me up to the hospital.    For some reason, I only lightly objected.


The food was terrible.


Somewhere along the line, I was told that I had pneumonia probably from the bit of corn I had inhaled a few days earlier.  After days of pills and doctor visits, I was discharged to Balboa Nursing and Rehab, over my repeated objections, where I was warmly welcomed by all those who remembered me from last time. 


The speech therapist insisted on machine macerating all my food.  It all looked like vomit on a plate.  G made some tactful phone calls, and a V8 appeared on my lunch tray.  Marvelous.  Otherwise, the food was terrible.  Then again, I was a pretty fat old lady.

After a week in a three person room, I came down with Covid.  Frankly I was a bit upset as I had carefully gotten all three shots.  The food was still terrible.   No therapists in the Covid wing.  I slept a lot and didn’t eat much beginning a double battle to get regular food and to go home.


The doctor said I could go home as soon as I was let out of the Covid ward.  Right.


(To be continued)


  1. It is so good to hear from you again, Mage. You survived pneumonia, the food and Covid. You are one tough woman!

  2. Look at that celebratory chocolate pie with whipped cream! Well pre-masticated, I'd say. You are so good to look at again!

  3. You really are looking good Mage! So good to see you in your rightful place …..right there at home beside G!

  4. Holy smokes, Mage! I leave for a month and you come down with COVID? In the hospital? Good grief! I'm relieved you're recovering. Sheesh!

  5. Well that was quote an ordeal and perhaps just the beginning of the story?

  6. So happy to see you back! Tehachap kept those who follow her informed about your absence. I love both those pictures. Especially the one with the chocolate pie.

    1. Oh, and I meant to add...they have machines that pre-chew your food. Gross. Did the therapist think you couldn't chew?

    2. She thought I might swallow another little bit down the wrong tube.

  7. Good grief girl, you have been through it. Talk about beating up on a gal. Love that last picture and hope that is where you are now. Smiling with chocolate pie in your sights. You have earned it. Please fill us in on the continued.

  8. Wow! I am trying to return to blogging. Hope that photo of you looking happy with lucious pie is recent and you are doing better.



Celebration of Life