February 27, 2022

sans view


The days move smooth on.  I cheer each improvement.  Yesterday my legs were strong enough to get me from the garage door to the truck at a slow walk.  I’m still amazed.  Today Tabor and her husband will be in town, and I was hoping that my port a potty would be out of here by her arrival.  I’m flat out delighted with this visit.

Today I have caught up on my Facebook posts.  Today I only have nine regular email to answer.  Yes I will get to your post.  I am answering them in order received.  Today I have an old Harry Potter movie on the tube, and today I am beginning a book titled: First Ladies.  I wish it were more modern.

George of off docenting at the Comic Con museum.  He loves this job.  Great crowds yesterday at the Automotive Museum.  I so hope today is just as good at the Comic Con.


Rule 1:  Don't do anything if you are alone.

Rule 2:  Take a phone with you.

I tried to climb one  stair and my good leg wouldn't hold me up.   That was at 1130.  G got home at 0330.


  1. Ah, the port a potty, without one in our van, our travel would be at an end or severely limited, whether van camping or staying in motels, B&Bs or whatever! Kudos for posting in midst of challenges.

  2. Progress, Mage. Great! Enjoy the visit with Tabor!

  3. Yay, Marge. An extra step, every day!

  4. I think the ArtOMat is an old cigarette machine. Please don't try stairs without another human present. Baby steps will get you there eventually. Linda in Kansas

  5. Love the Art-O-Mat. Glad to hear you are getting stronger. Hopefully you didn't sit on the stair for four hours waiting for G.

  6. I like your rules. They will keep you safe, and that's important!!! I'm sewing today; hopefully, all day! I have two Quilts For Kids quilts to put together. They're very simple, but will still take time. Have a very good day today!

  7. So glad you are making progress and your rules are great for most of us. Like Linda says, baby steps.
    Enjoy your visit.

  8. Oops! I started to write something and it disappeared. Ah well. I'm so happy for you that you'll get to spend time with Tabor. Fantastic that George is able to spend time at Comic Con.



Celebration of Life